Tickets Now Available for Spring Julius Schwartz Lecture: J Michael Straczynski

Last year, I hosted the first in a series of lectures by key creative artists working in the fields of science fiction, comics, and popular culture, which was created to honor long-time DC comics editor Julius Schwartz. Last year's event with Neil Gaiman has been published as a DVD which you can purchase through New England Comics for ONLY $19.99. This year's speaker is another transmedia creator - J. Michael Straczynski. Straczynski is best known for his role as the creator of the cult science fiction serial Babylon 5 and its various spin-off films and series. Straczynski wrote 92 out of the 110 Babylon 5 episodes, notably including an unbroken 59-episode run through all of the third and fourth seasons, and all but one episode of the fifth season. His television writing career spans from work on He-Man, She-Ra, and Real Ghostbusters through to The New Twilight Zone and Murder She Wrote. He followed up Babylon 5 with another really solid science fiction series, Jeremiah. In more recent years, he's enjoyed success as a screenwriter, most recently writing the script for The Changling, Clint Eastwood's period drama, and as a comic book writer, who both works on established superhero franchises, such as Spider-Man, Supreme Powers, Fantastic Four, and Thor, and creates his own original series, such as Rising Stars, Midnight Nation, The Twelve, The Book of Lost Souls, and Dream Police. He was one of the first television producers to actively engage his fan community online and has consistently explored the interface between digital media and other storytelling platforms.

When: May 22nd, 7pm

Where: Building 10, Room 250, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The event is open to the public and all interested parties are welcomed to attend.

Seating is typically limited and all tickets are general admission, so it is advised that attendees arrive to the event early.

We are planning to have video screens erected onstage that will be showing the lecturers, and a sound system in place that will enable the lecture to be heard from the rear of the auditorium, so even attendees arriving close to the start of the lecture should be able to enjoy it.

Tickets went on sale on campus last friday and are now also available off-campus at Hub Comics in Somerville and Comicopia in Boston's Kenmore Square. Both dealers say they can handle orders from people not currently able to make it to their locations.

Tickets will also be sold on campus in Lobby 10 on Wednesday the 22nd from noon to


If you live in or near Boston, come on down for what promises to be a great conversation.